Cargo Racks for the Honda Ruckus

RucRac Brand Honda Ruckus Cargo Racks
RucRac Custom Honda Ruckus Cargo Racks
Explore our custom cargo racks for Honda Ruckus scooters.
"I am a welding fabricator by trade, with more than 45 years in the business. I bought a Ruckus and immediately fell in love with it. I noticed right away that these needed to be able to transport groceries and whatnot. I designed and built a couple of prototypes that worked well, and finally fine-tuned them to produce this one. I carry a lot of different items on it. I'm sure you will find the RucRac will suit your needs as it does mine. Enjoy!"
Les Anderson

Cargo Racks by RucRac
Custom cargo racks for Honda Ruckus scooters.
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